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Writer's pictureDamian Cloud

What Cussing Says About Us

Updated: Nov 2, 2022

Wooden blocks with the letters, W, T, and F on a red background with a broad, irregular green, slanted streak in the middle

Saying a cuss word out loud may not cause a lightning bolt to strike your body, but there is a sense of something wicked in the air when these words are heard. Spiritual philosophers believe speaking profanity will lead to misfortune and certain doom—hence the term, curse words. But whether or not one believes in curses, the regular use of profanity in our conversations is ripping our society apart.

It's Getting out of Hand

We’ve all blurted out a cuss word from time to time as a result of an emotional impulse. But now, the “F” word, the “S” word, the “D” word, and their various cousins are being fitted into casual conversations and even in professional environments.

One of the ugliest phrases I often hear and read online is, Holy f**kin S**t! This is a popular saying among young people, leading me to believe that I am definitely getting old and our future is in trouble. This phrase contains the words, holy and two curse words to represent a thrilling shock.

Holy mixed with curse words. There cannot be anything good coming from this.

Of course, many believe that a word is a word, and it cannot do any type of damage to the speaker, nor can it bring forth a deadly curse. To many, there is no magical deity watching over our lives. We are on our own. Let’s do whatever we wanna do.

And of course, there are those who hold the first amendment close to their hearts. To them, freedom of speech means saying whatever they want whenever they want without concern about how it makes them look or how it affects others.

Subtracting religious beliefs from the equation, a cuss word’s main purpose is to expose the ugly side of a human being. Cussing reveals poor character, immaturity, recklessness, and disrespect. Cuss words are the nastiest sounding and spelling words created. They are used in response to anger and fear. They entice conflict.

Loss of Dignity

One of the reasons why the world is a mess is because many people have abandoned the concept of dignity. Perhaps this is the actual curse our ancestors hinted at. Being a human should be the most rewarding gift we were lucky to have been given. We are the kings of this planet. Our leaders from the past have managed to establish a set of moral principles to become a strong society, yet many of those that have fine lives do not abide by them.

Of course, solely using profanity does not cause a person to rob or kill, but it does devalue the human spirit. Again, some may disagree or may not even care about the human spirit. But my question is, why do you use this language in public? What is the appeal of speaking profanity? Is it fun? Does it make you feel cool? Does it match your persona?

Or perhaps what I should be asking is, what is s**t? What does motherf***er mean? Why do some Christians say, godd****t?

We can go to Urban Dictionary and read the various inventive ways these words can be used, but understanding and using them won’t make us better human beings. If anything, it will just prove that there are people with disgusting minds who are willing to share their ugliness with the world.


Children are impressionable. They want to be like their friends and adult role models who use profanity in their daily dialect. They are also taught these words from television, movies, music, and social media platforms.

Children who are drawn to profanity use it to get a rise out of people. They want to prove they can be edgy. They want to be part of the group. They want to feel grown up. The problem is that when they become adults and continue cussing, they remain as children trying to achieve the aforementioned items.

Adults using profanity are like little kids trying to prove that they are cool. They no longer have to hide their foul language from elders. It gives them a false sense of confidence, when in truth it shows how ignorant and immature they truly are.

False Justice

When the media covers a story about a high-profile figure who has committed a crime or any act society is in disagreement with, many find it in their right to attack these people with vulgar insults.

F**k Alex Jones. Joe Biden is a stupid sonafabich. Brett Farve is a piece of s**t.

Although most of us can agree with their opinions, their vulgar comments only prove they are just as rotten as the ones they are insulting. The old phrase, two wrongs don’t make a right, applies to this format. We believe that calling a bad person every disgusting word in the book will put them in their place. Many also believe they will gain popularity among the masses. But shouldn’t the so-called good people separate themselves from the scumbags? If we shower the wrongdoers with profanity in public, we are simply falling to their level.

Final Thoughts

Cussing should be left to the professionals in the entertainment industry—big emphasis on the word, professionals. I realize it contradicts what I have been ranting about, however, these comedians, actors, and music stars can use profanity as an art form to entertain and imitate the ugliness portrayed by people who have abandoned dignity, maturity, and self-respect. If anything, it should be a lesson on how not to speak in public. But until people can control their impressionable urges, the professional cussers will continue to influence the behaviors of the masses.

Let’s face it. We are a society that thrives on watching and embracing chaos.

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