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  • Writer's pictureDamian Cloud

The Benefits of Attending the Office Party

Updated: Jun 6, 2023

Five adults in a bar laughing while holding wine glasses
Coworkers getting together for drinks after work

After a long, arduous day at the job, the last thing on your mind may be to spend the evening hanging out with your coworkers, or worse, your boss.

At the end of your shift, you would rather spend the few remaining hours of your day doing anything unrelated to work. Or maybe you just want to spend the rest of the day away from people.

It is normal and deserving to want to separate your life from your job. But suddenly you receive an invitation to an office party and a part of you feels guilty for not wanting to go. You fear you may be perceived as a party pooper or an unsociable outcast.

Of course, some don’t care what others think and won’t attend because they believe it will not benefit them.

Job leaders understand that everyone has a life outside of work, which is why these social gatherings are voluntary. So there is no need to feel shame. You are in good company.


If your reason for avoiding office parties is that you hate gatherings or you hate your job, or the thought of the word party makes you cringe, it may be time to reconsider your decision.

Any social gathering is an opportunity for meeting new people or getting to know acquaintances better. If you dislike your coworkers or even your boss, perhaps conversing with them in a setting outside the workplace might change your view of them.

A company party for any job: office, factory, restaurant, etc., has advantages that can benefit a person’s career and well-being. For an introvert, it can be intimidating or feel like a drag to go to these events, but one never knows what they’re going to get unless they take the challenge.

If you’ve been avoiding company gatherings for whatever reason, it may be time to climb out of your shell and hang out with your colleagues. Here are reasons why attending the “office party” is a good idea.

Job Opportunities

Whether the company is small, medium-sized, or large, the office party usually contains employees from various departments eager to recruit new members. It’s like a job fair with food, drinks, and fun activities. This is an opportunity for a disgruntled worker who may feel there is no way out of their mundane role to network with someone who works in a preferable department.

It is widely known that to get the job you want, you have to network, and along with having a good time with friends, the other purpose of these gatherings is to network.

Once the disgruntled worker and their new friend hit it off, the new friend can refer them to their boss as a candidate for an open position. You can also find yourself mingling with the manager of that department for a possible quicker onboarding.

Career Advancement

Once again, the old saying it’s not what you know, it’s who you know comes to life. Not to say most companies hire people with little experience in their field, but they will most likely hire an individual they know, or have rapport with. It’s easy, less stressful, and less time-consuming. Put yourself in their shoes. Would you rather hire a stranger with credentials on paper that could be false to do your taxes or someone you know and trust?

The office party can be the opportunity for your boss to get to know you, which is never available in the workplace. It is like a job interview without the stress and formal pressures that come with the traditional process. Both of you are in a fun, relaxing atmosphere that will melt away the tension. Just make sure you don’t have too much fun.

Make Friends

Introverts may find making friends with someone outside their social circle difficult. It can be especially difficult in the workplace, even if you work closely with these people. Eventually, you become comfortable with your and your colleagues’ roles and accept that they are coworkers and nothing more.

Having friends is vital in keeping a sane mentality at the workplace. Without friends, there won’t be a joyous reason for going to work, except for getting money, but money won’t buy happiness.

There are friends to be made at the office party. There are opportunities to connect with a coworker on a deeper level. If you keep in mind the original design of parties, which is to mingle, relax, and have fun, you may surprisingly find yourself rewarded with a new buddy.

Meet Future Spouse

The workplace can be the destination where couples are formed. But with boundaries in place that make it difficult and awkward to ask a coworker out on a date, two people with strong chemistry may never get the opportunity to connect.

That’s where the office party comes in.

Whether you have been obsessing about a coworker for a long time or don’t even think about them much, the company party lowers professional boundaries to allow the guests to get loose. There is less tension and more room for an individual to be themselves. An alcoholic beverage or two also helps to arouse conversations.

Although we hear stories about sleazy, one-time hookups at parties, its main intention is to bring people together and create healthy relationships. Two responsible, mature individuals can start dating after getting acquainted at an office party and can then establish a strong marital foundation that will flourish over the years.

Become a Stronger Person

It’s okay to decline an invitation to an office party. However, if the reason is because of social exhaustion, social anxiety, or you’re just not a people person, then you have admitted that you have a weakness.

Based on the reasons I described, going to company parties when you don’t want to will provide benefits that will ultimately make you a stronger person. Tackling any form of weakness builds strength.

Let’s say you have weak legs. Performing leg exercises consistently will build leg muscles.

If you’re not a good reader, reading every day will make you a better reader, plus you will learn new words and develop a new perspective on life.

And of course, if you’re not a people person, engaging with colleagues or strangers consistently will make you more comfortable in meeting people.

The key term is, practice makes perfect.

You may still feel social exhaustion after meeting new people, but you will have developed better character, social habits, and a clearer understanding of different human behaviors.

Free Food and Drinks

If the boss is treating you and other coworkers to a fancy dinner, go to them. It’s free!

Last Note

Attend the office party with a purpose, whether to have fun, mingle, or advance. The organizers had a plan in mind. You should too.

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