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Writer's pictureDamian Cloud

So You Hate People

So you say you hate people.

Who can blame you? Look what’s happening to our world. The list is endless. But more importantly, look at what they have done to you. Every chapter of your life is filled with deception, betrayal, and thievery, with you playing the victim. Life is one big episodic TV show; you are one of the survivors in a world ravaged by the walking dead.

Either they are all monsters or idiots. Maybe both. Nevertheless, idiocy seems to be the new norm in today’s world. It’s even become a game show. Show the world how stupid you are and you’ll win one million dollars. Nowadays, any idiot can become famous just by being… an idiot. But you choose common sense, a virtue that is becoming extinct in this confusing, frenzied, ever-changing world.

And crowds are the worst, right? A smart person knows to stay away from them. The air pollution, the noise pollution. I can see you hyperventilating just thinking about it.

Yes sir! When people gather together, something bad is bound to happen. Even though the worst of the pandemic seems to be behind us, crowds are back in business and people are still getting sick. It might not be coronavirus, but that ole flu and its other cousins are still out there. And you try to tell 'em, Mother Nature can wipe y'all out at any time. Up till now, she's just been going easy on you. But they won't even listen to the most brilliant scientists in the world.

It just ain't safe anywhere, especially out there on your favorite type of land--the roads. You'd think after watching all the news reports on car crashes happening every day, people would be more careful. Nope. There is always someone who refuses to slow down. Getting to that appointment or their job is more important than someone else’s life, or their car’s life.

And can you believe some people have the audacity to stare at their phones while driving? Of course you can because it is the stupidest thing anyone would ever do.

Where do these fools who street race in public areas come from? So not only are children not safe on the roads, they're not safe in schools, at the malls, at playgrounds, or in their backyards.

Forget about a Judgment Day nuclear missile striking a city, humankind has found new ways to ensure no one is safe. Idiocy is taking our children to their graves and nothing is being done about it.

Yeah, I can see why you hate people.

Morons are pledging their lives to a megalomaniac who has stolen their money, stolen classified government documents, and has almost eliminated democracy—a right for which our proud veterans have sacrificed their lives—to become the most powerful man in the country.

Why do they side with him? So they can have the right to shoot people they don't like? To prevent 12-year-old girls who were raped from having abortions?

Even the most minuscule behavior practices get on your nerves, like when strangers greet you by asking how you’re doing. After you say, fine, they get offended because you didn’t ask how they were doing, as if you are obligated to extend the same gesture. They came to you obviously wanting something. Tell us what you really want so we can go on with our lives.

And don’t you just hate it when strangers hold doors open for you? They’re just trying to commit a good deed to feel good about themselves at your expense. You would be a mile away and they'll be holding the door wide open until you finally enter. It’s as if they believe you're pathetic and weak.

And then there’s the annoying courtesy loophole: You go first. No, you go first. No you. I insist.

I can feel the hatred fuming out of your ears as I speak. And again, you have the right to be angry. But I have one more disheartening fact: it has been reported that the world’s population has hit eight billion. Yeah. Just think about all those people running around, yelling in your ear, and coughing in your face. It’s such a pleasant thought, isn’t it?

Let’s face it, as long as you’re living on this planet, you’re always going to run into people. You can live remotely on a deserted island and castaways will find you. Normal people and experts may tell you to just get over yourself and learn to live with it, but screw them, and screw everyone else who makes living a constant hazard.

You don’t want to be told to love each and every person. Where is the logic in extending compassion to a creep who molested your daughter and left her for dead?

And you will not allow them to make you feel guilty for hating people. You don’t believe in the concept of forced love. Compassion and respect are earned and should come naturally.

Remember that former coworker who always made you laugh? Out of the thousands of people in the building, he was the one who smiled at you every day, greeted you every day, gave you your space every day, and never disappointed you. He was like the brother you never had. With guys like him in the office, going to work was never a drag, and his kindness temporarily made you forget that you hate people.

There have been many folks in your past who’ve made you smile, and there still are. How about those kids you tutor? Society may think of them as lazy, uninspired rejects, but you know them as bright, charming intellectuals who are just not good at learning inside a classroom. By gifting them your uplifting personality, not only are you helping them understand Biology better, you're also lifting the shame from their shoulders. Like your former coworker, you make them smile every time they see you, and they do the same for you.

Just think about it, your positive influence will help them become better individuals who will steer clear of idiocy. Unfortunately after you leave the weekly sessions, the world once again re-establishes your hatred for people.

You know everyone is not bad or an idiot. In reality, many good, decent individuals probably share the same thought style of hating people.

Let’s pause for a second. Hatred is such a powerful, negative word. And saying I don’t like people can leave a bad taste in your mouth. Let’s refer back to the kids you tutor. They are Black, Latino, and White teenagers living in rundown homes with single parents. They once had no positive role models to look up to. They might’ve been on the verge of owning guns and committing crimes.

Maybe this is all hypothetical, but you gotta admit, with their dirty faces, unkempt hair, and solemn expressions, anyone would’ve labeled them as miscreant teens—the epitome of a degenerate nation. But once you got to know them and they extended to you their respect and love, you saw them as your equals, even though they were the students and you were the tutor.

They became your confidants. If you’ve never met them, you would’ve included them with the billions of other strangers into your imaginary group of pions you want nothing to do with. Fortunately, as it turns out, you just didn’t know the kids.

It’s been proven in reality and movies that not all people are bad. Nelson Mandela believes there is good in all people. Unfortunately, many are led in the wrong path and could turn out to be annoying, idiotic, or dangerous. Humans do stupid things and they can bother you to the point where you want to rip your own head off. Or at least wish you could get away from them all—forever.

But you’re human. And it doesn’t matter if you believe in evolution or religious teachings, we all came from the same parent. So when you think about it, we are all brothers, sisters, moms, dads, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents—you get the picture. And yeah, I hear you, families can be a pain, but they’re all you got.

People are exhausting. We literally have to watch out for each and everyone to make sure they’re staying out of trouble. I guess that’s why we have the police and such. Too bad they don’t arrest strictly for stupidity. Oh, wait. They do.

Saying I hate people feels good at times. It gives you comfort. But you know you don’t hate all people—only the ones you see committing acts of idiocy and deviltry. It also could be that you don’t know them very well. You hate what you don’t know, but at the same time, you hate what you do know. You know what I’m saying?

I could tell you to lay off the news for a while, or try to rid your mind of this negative perception of humankind, or even try to mingle more—travel the world. But I’m not a doctor or your guardian angel. I’m just a schmuck trying to figure things out like everybody else.

Just be careful you don’t start hating yourself.

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