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Writer's pictureDamian Cloud

Reasons to Be Proud to Be an Introvert

Updated: Feb 23, 2023

A smiling young man excitied for things to come
A smiling young introvert happy about his life and excited for the future

It is an extroverted world in which we live. At least it seems that way because extroverts are the ones doing all of the talking. We are made to believe being vocal and outgoing are the blueprints to success and happiness, whereas being quiet and reserved leads to the path of failure.

Luckily, this isn’t true.

Introverts are often misunderstood as miserable, underachieving individuals held back by their reserved ways. But on the contrary, since the dawn of man, they have quietly achieved success and happiness without conforming to the extrovert’s standards of acceptable behavior. Being quiet, being alone, and avoiding crowds, are beautiful characteristics that bring out the best in them.

Introverts are kind and respectful

Introverts exhibit proper manners in public despite their quiet nature. Their extra attention to their mental life can emit a peaceful aura, which in turn, inspires them to extend a gift of respect to their fellow man. They won't make unnecessary and bothersome noises when out in public. Why? Because they respect others' rights to a peaceful existence. You also won't find them talking on their cell phones in public with the speakerphone on. And if you move into an apartment, condo, or townhome, you won't be driven crazy by the sounds of loud stomping or loud music. Consider it luck to have a neighbor that is so silent you'd think no one lived there.

Frequently apologizing can be annoying and unnecessary, but it is an introvert's humble way of showing respect. It also helps eases any tense situations that could be in danger of escalating to unexpected heights Some people also tend to think overly apologizing is a sign of defeat. These are the same people that don't apologize at all, even when something is clearly their fault. Wouldn't you rather have someone own up to an incident instead of battling in an endless debate where the audience is now forced to choose a side? An introvert's apologetic ways can be a recipe for peace.

Greetings are common courtesy practices expected by all people. Since full conversation engagements are not their strong suit, an introvert will follow this basic custom when they encounter a friend or, at times a stranger, by saying hello. A simple hello is courteous and will make anyone’s day. Introverts understand the importance of this routine and will oblige. And I know, there are some introverts that flat out do not greet or even acknowledge any human they encounter. It is best to be patient and understanding with them—even the mean ones. Nobody’s perfect.

A quiet person will not talk over you or yak about random bullshit which can tire one out. Because of this social practice, most people find introverts to be pleasant company. It may bother some that an introvert stays mostly silent in groups, but at least she is being respectful and does contribute when it is her turn. They are the true warriors in the fight to eliminate noise pollution. Teachers gotta love ‘em.

Introverts are good listeners

Who doesn’t like to be heard? Although it can be a pain, especially when paired with a rambler, introverts possess the gracious gift of being good listeners. It comes to them by default since talking is not their forte. Some deduce it is the most important role of the communication cycle it shares with the speaker. The listener gathers the details and contributes by adding to the conversation or formulating a solution. If a pair or group has at least one introvert as the listener and at least one extrovert as the speaker, this combination could produce the ultimate team. Extroverts talk; introverts listen. Patience and silence will make an excellent listener.

Smart Networking

The word, networking, can sound intimidating, especially to those that have difficulty meeting new people. Unfortunately for them, it is a necessary tactic for gaining opportunities in today’s competitive society. But networking does not have to be about meeting as many random people in order to attain your dream job. An introvert seeks only prospects that share her interests and goals, eliminating excess burden (people) that can lead them in the wrong direction. She will find that one person or group, build a strong relationship, and they will work together to achieve their ambitions. Introverts are patient. They know what they want. They understand the importance of networking and understand that success cannot be attained alone. It can sometimes take longer to reach their goal compared to an extrovert’s tactic of chumming with everyone, but it is less stressful and the wait will be well worth it.

Takes Advantage of Me Time

In this fast-paced racetrack of a world, me time is often lost in the smoke. Taking time for oneself is the opportunity to:

1. recharge

2. alleviate stress and anxiety

3. learn about oneself

Me time can also be used for planning. But every loner is not always plotting to commit evil. Introverts can use their me time to plan for:

  • a school project

  • a speech for a business meeting

  • an idea for a book

  • what to cook for their date

or whatever the person has going on in their life.

These are just a few examples. Me time is all about me, or you. What you choose to do is for your own benefit. It is no secret that it is getting harder to find time for yourself during these crazy times Luckily, introverts always find a way.

Thinking Outside the Box

One of the greatest traits of an introvert is their gift of creative thinking. Have you ever had someone call you weird or say your ideas won’t work? Sometimes in order to evolve, you must escape the norm and think outside the box. An introvert can invent the next big device that will make our lives much easier. She can find a solution to bring the political parties to an agreement--okay, easier said than done. She can write that groundbreaking novel that will make other writers smack their heads for not thinking of it first. To them, the norm is boring and they are starving to make changes. It must be all that me time that gives introverts the room to be creative and opened-minded.

In conclusion, an introvert can only achieve success and happiness if he or she strives for it. Although most of the world looks down on us, it is no excuse to give up and to allow the extrovert ways to structure the rules for normalcy. Being yourself is what we are all good at. Utilizing our gifts in special ways will take us far.

What other ways make introverts special?

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