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Writer's pictureDamian Cloud

Introvert Myths: We Hate You

Updated: Nov 3, 2022

A sad man sitting alone at a restaurant as a group stares at him from behind
A male introvert sitting alone at a restaurant as people stare at him in concern

As sad as it is to believe, many people in this world do not love or even like humankind. The name of this type of person is, misanthropist. They avoid interaction with people, they are often seen in a foul mood, and they prefer plants or animals as their companions.

The misanthropist is a loner, and approaching one may not result in a pleasant experience. So it is easy to see why most people mistake introverts as ones that hate people. Of course, some introverts believe the world would be better off without humans and wishes to not associate with them, but this is another hurtful stereotype in which people form their judgments based on their insecurities. Believe it or not, behind their quiet exteriors may inhabit a deep love for humans that is greater than that of the outspoken extrovert.


If we’ve never been properly introduced, I will not acknowledge you. This has always been one of my many mottos. So naturally, when someone sees me walking down the street or inside a busy building while looking straight ahead, not staring into people’s eyes, and not acknowledging others—not even colleagues—they perceive me as a moody individual who hates everyone. But when someone gets to know me and we form a bond, they find me to be pleasant, funny, and clever.

When I worked at a call center, we were trained to smile while talking to our customers. I kid you not when I say I have a talent for uplifting a sour puss’s mood when talking on the phone. With my soft, harmonious tone, I can shift a caller’s mood from anger to joy and fulfill their requests at the same time. And it wasn’t just because it was my job duty; deep inside I genuinely care about people—even strangers—and just like any conversation I have with people, I want them to feel happy in the end. Plus, I want people to believe the call center does not always have to be a rotten experience.

A smile is the number one first impression that determines people’s opinions. But for introverts, their happiness is hidden inside whereas extroverts express theirs out in the open. Fox Sports reporter Alex Curry smiles every time she is on camera. She has one of the most brilliant smiles I have ever seen on television. Her teeth are always showing. Never once have I ever seen her frown. And when she smiles, I literally smile back at the TV screen because her smile is too infectious.

An introverted Twitch partner, whose name I’d rather not release, is the opposite of Alex Curry. During her chats, her face is blank and emotionless. Now and then she will make a joke and a brief grin will crack through. At first sight, one may assume she harbors the I don’t give a f*** attitude, however, she admits to being a quiet introvert who suffers from anxiety. Being laid back is how she can tend to her mental health. She responds to her followers in the chat respectfully and she greets them, as well as new followers, pleasantly. Plus, Twitch is about community. She would not be a Twitch partner if she did not care about people.


Just because a person is quiet and does not smile does not mean they hate you. Just because a person avoids crowds does not mean they hate people. There are reasons why introverts act the way they act, and it is not always personal.

Low Energy

Interacting with people can be life-draining. To recharge, introverts stay to themselves and retreat to a sanctuary where there is no stress. This practice can seem rude, but it's for the sake of their well-being.

Uncomfortable in Groups/Crowds

Whether it is shyness or the preference for being alone, introverts tend to avoid crowds to enjoy the peace and serenity of being alone. It is a jungle out there and people are crazy, but it does not mean they hate humankind. Unfortunately, they may hate some people or certain groups of people, but this behavior can pertain to extroverts as well

Resting Our Faces

Smiling excessively can cause wrinkles over time. Why put our lips, jaws, and teeth through so much punishment? Smiling can also be painful to some, and do you think they will openly admit their issue? I’ve been watching this female news reporter on cable TV every morning and her smile is so tight with her teeth biting hard that it seems as if she is in pain. Maybe it is because she’s been forced to smile for many years.

So when you are in a conversation where the other person is not smiling, remember, it does not mean they hate you, they could just be resting their faces.


There are several ways to know when to run from or seek help for that person who despises humankind.

Blatant Refusal to Acknowledge Others

It’s easy to mistake the quiet ones for the REALLY quiet ones—the ones who blatantly refuse to acknowledge the presence of anyone he or she comes across, the ones who succeed in keeping their distance from others. These people are more likely haters of mankind. They will continue to treat others as if they didn’t exist no matter how courteous and respectful the other party is. These types of people either need help or need to be carefully observed.

They Don’t Love Themselves

To love oneself also means to love others. Disturbing acts such as torturing animals for no reason, mutilating their bodies, sharing writings expressing self-hate, or carrying out idiotic tasks that could also place the lives of others at risk are signs the person has no love for themselves or others.

Three-Strike System

Donald goes to the campus coffee shop with his friends every day after class. Each time, he notices a classmate named Martin sitting alone at a booth sipping his coffee and staring at his phone. Feeling sorry for him, Donald decides to join Martin in an attempt to become friends. Martin lifts his head to greet him and then reverts his attention to his phone. Donald asks several questions to get to know him, and Martin answers monotonously with his head down. Eventually, Martin gets up from his booth, politely tells Donald he has to go, and walks out of the shop. Donald attempts to befriend Martin the next day, and it is the same scenario as before. On the third attempt, Donald enters the shop alone. When Martin sees him come in, he gathers his things and walks out the door. Donald finally gets the hint that Martin hates him, and he never saw him in the coffee shop again. For both parties, it was three strikes and you’re out.

If you attempt to befriend a loner and fail three times, it is a clear indication the person does not want you for a friend and is possibly a hater of humankind. There is only so much one can do to persuade another that they want to be friends. It works the same way in relationships. If after three strikes and the other still refuses to talk to you, then they’re out.


All humans are genuinely kind, even the ones that commit horrendous crimes. Some of the most modeled citizens can harbor hatred for mankind, and they may not be introverts. I believe we should travel this world with an open mind and be vigilant when something seems suspicious.

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